Course Length: Approximately 41 miles (66 km)
Average Time (H:MM:SS) is 2:08:30. Range is 1:24:58-3:20:00.
In 2022, the first racer finished this Leg at 10:15 am
For full team logistics and time tables, click here. This will provide information on the best way to navigate transportation for the whole team.
See a short highlight video of this leg here.
The road bike course begins at the Shuksan DOT snow shed (between mileposts 46 & 47) on the Mt. Baker Highway. The course continues westbound until the intersection with Silver Lake Road (between mileposts 25 & 26) in Maple Falls. The course then turns north onto Silver Lake Road, Silver Lake Road changes name to South Pass Road near the Canada border, continue westbound on South Pass Road. The course then passes through Nooksack and enters Everson. South Pass Road is called West Main through Everson. Upon passing through downtown Everson, the road forms a “Y”, take the right leg which is still called West Main. The main road continues to the left. West Main becomes Park Drive and continues to Riverside Park. It makes a sharp right turn approaching the park. The Timing Chip handoff to the canoeist is just after this corner on the left side of the road.
Riding or driving the course prior to the race is recommended. The course is very scenic and much of it is downhill. These roads are popular with local bicyclists. Unfortunately, some portions of the pavement on the Mt. Baker highway are starting to fail. This causes areas with pot holes and washboard. These defects are not marked on the course. This is primarily at the edge and center of the road lanes.
Required Competency of the Bike Racer:
The bike racer must be capable of racing/riding on public roads that are open to motor vehicles. The racer is responsible for knowing the course. There are no signs or mileage markers on the course. The racer should be able to complete the 41 mile course in less than 2 hr. 45 min.
Outside assistance along the course is not allowed and there are no services provided (other than emergency communications) along the course. Racers are allowed (not required) to help one another with repairs in order to complete the course. We recommend racers carry basic tools for on-course repairs. The racer should start with sufficient water and food for the entire course. There are no portable restrooms provided along the course. The bike racer is responsible for providing a safe bicycle. All racers should carry sufficient tools and supplies to take care of their own mechanical issues that may arise on the course, most notably, the racer should be able to repair flat tires.
Drafting of other bicycles is allowed but should only be done by racers with drafting experience. Inexperienced racers will not be aware of potential hazards (such as when the leading rider slows suddenly or dodges an object in the road) associated with drafting.
Limited Services Available at this Transition Area
The Downhill Run to Road Bike transition is held at the Washington DOT Shuksan snow shed. This area is not normally intended for public use and does not offer services that might otherwise be expected. There is no electricity or shelter from rain/snow/cold/wind or other weather conditions. Bring gear to handle any weather condition – especially the cold and wet. The elevation of the DOT means it will always be cold early in the morning.
Bring your bike ready to race! Fanatik Bike Co. is generously providing us with one bike mechanic at the DOT station this year starting at 6am so please see them for last minute repairs and thank their mechanic for volunteering.
Fill your water bottles before arriving at the site as our water is limited! There are no retail businesses or services in the area. If there is something additional you absolutely need, please bring it with you. Cell phone service is unavailable and there is no parking at the DOT. All participant and spectator parking is located ½ mile east of the DOT at the Salmon Ridge Sno-Park. You will have to walk to the DOT from Sno-Park. Porta-potties are provided and are located behind the main building at the DOT. A few are also provided at Sno-Park. Please come prepared to be self-sufficient. Also, please plan to provide your Runner team mate with the gear and provisions they will need after arriving at the transition.
Equipment Rules:
Aerobars, Time Trails Bikes, Triathlon Bikes and Disc Wheels are prohibited in all Recreational Divisions. If you have any of the above and you are in a Recreational Division, you MUST move to the Competitive Division. All REC Road Bikers will receive a form in mid-May in which they will acknowledge they are using equipment that is in compliance and that their team will not be eligible for awards if they are out of compliance.
Helmets are MANDATORY and helmet stickers are being provided with your team number on it in order to make it easier to announce your arrival at the Leg Finish. Bikes must be in good condition. Fairings and motorized bikes/Ebikes of any kind are not allowed. Recumbent bicycles are not permitted except for handicapped racers (request approval prior to registration). I-Pods, MP3, Walkman or similar music/audio systems are not allowed to be used by the racers while competing.
Mandatory Pre-Race Meeting and Warm-up Area:
There will be a pre-race meeting at 7:30 AM on race day at the exchange area at the DOT shed. IT IS MANDATORY THAT ALL RACERS ATTEND THIS MEETING TO GET THE LATEST SAFETY INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE.
If you are a racer doing multiple legs, you will receive the mandatory meeting notes via email prior to race day. We will include the mandatory safety meeting notes for any pre-race meetings you will not be present for.
After the pre-race meeting, the warm-up area will be open. The warm-up area is the Mt. Baker highway a half mile west of the DOT shed, please do not head east to warm up. The warm-up area will be closed at 8:15.
Timing Chips:
Your team number will be announced over the PA system at the DOT exchange point when your runner is 0.6 miles from the exchange point. At that time, move into the “staging area” with your bike. The staging area is a delineated box (about 20’x20’) between the finish line and the gas pumps. Please do not block other racers’ access into the staging area while waiting for your team number to be called. When you see your runner enter the east DOT driveway (“Runner Chute”), move your bike into the “Bike Chute” just past the Finish Line. The Bike Chute is a lane formed by barricades where you will exit the west driveway. The runner will swipe the chip which sets his finish time and your start time. Take the chip from the runner, secure it and start your race. When you arrive at your finish line, you must swipe your timing chip in front of the white side panel at the red timing tent. The chip will not read if it is concealed in any way (in a closed hand, your pocket etc).
Prior to your runner arriving, please make sure that you can hear the runner announcements. You will not be able to hear the announcements at Salmon Ridge Sno-Park, behind the DOT buildings or while wearing headphones.
A designated team representative must pick up the team’s race packet prior to the race. The packet includes the team timing chip, racing bibs & T-shirts. The designated team representative must distribute items to team members. There will be no extra racing bibs at the exchange areas.
Course Rules:
The bicyclist will begin from a standing point when the timing chip is received from the runner. Racers must obey all regular traffic laws unless directed otherwise by a Law Enforcement official. Law Enforcement officials will be directing traffic at the stop sign at Kendall Road and will give priority to bikes. Drafting of motor vehicles is not allowed.
Bicyclists must not cross the roadway centerline, except in case of an emergency. Littering on the course is not allowed! All wrappers, bottles, etc. must remain in the possession of the bicyclist.
On-site race officials will determine the time for an early release of bike racers if your runner is late in arriving at the Race Exchange area. Be sure to attend the Pre-Race meeting on Race Day for details.
Infraction of Rules:
Infraction of the rules by one team member may disqualify the entire team.
Emergency Communications
Cell phone service is generally not available on the course from the DOT until crossing Kendall Road. A combination of Law Enforcement personnel and Ham Radio operators provide coverage for that area. See the table of course mileages for exact locations.
Road Bike Course Mileages
Mileage | Location |
0.0 | Start at DOT Shuksan snow shed |
5.1 | Excelsior Trailhead parking lot. Emergency Communications location (Ham Operator) |
7.4 | Intersection with East Church Mountain Rd. |
10.6 | Intersection with Canyon Creek Road. Law Enforcement personnel controlling east bound traffic |
10.8 | Douglas Fir Campground & Nooksack River Bridge |
11.8 | Intersection with Glacier Creek Rd. |
12.5 | Mt. Baker Ranger Station & town of Glacier |
13.6 | Cornell Creek bridge |
15.2 | Nooksack River bridge |
17.8 | Boulder Creek bridge |
20.3 | Intersection with Silver Lake Rd and town of Maple Falls. Course turns right (north) onto Silver Lake Rd. Law Enforcement personnel controlling traffic |
23.7 | Silver Lake Park entrance |
25.0 | Intersection with “Public Fishing” road. Emergency Communications location (Ham Operator) |
26.1 | Silver Lake Road changes name to South Pass Road |
31.1 | Junction with Kendall Rd. (Hwy. 547). Law Enforcement personnel controlling traffic |
36.5 | Intersection with North Pass Rd. |
39.7 | Junction with Hwy. 9 |
40.9 | Course turns right onto West Main |
41.0 | Finish at Riverside Park in Everson |
Elevation Profile of the Road Bike Course
CLICK HERE for PDF version of Elevation Diagram
Road Closure:
The Mt. Baker Highway (542) will be closed from 7:15 AM to 11 AM between Canyon Creek Road in Glacier and Mt. Baker Lodge. Any viewers, participants or additional support vehicles who want to go to the top of the mountain must pass Canyon Creek Road prior to 7:15 AM. Road Racers who are riding their bikes up to the DOT Exchange (Run to Road Bike Exchange) will be allowed to pass Canyon Creek Road after 7:15 AM. For safety reasons, vehicles may not park along the course between DOT and the Mt Baker Lodge.
Bike Unloading and Parking:
It is recommended that both of the Skiers, the Runner, and the Road Biker carpool to the mountain. All unloading of bikes, gear and people will be at the parking lot (Salmon Ridge Sno-Park) ½ mile past the Shuksan DOT snow shed exchange area on the left/north side of the road. As you approach the lot, turn on your left turn signal so that the flagger knows you want to enter Sno-Park. Follow the directions of the flaggers and volunteers to enter the parking lot. Vehicles that will unload a bike and continue up the mountain should use the center portion of the lot for unloading. Vehicles that will remain parked should park around the perimeter of the lot. Stopping on the highway to unload bikes, gear, or people is not allowed.
You will have to walk/ride your bike from the parking lot to the exchange area. Please bear this in mind when selecting how much gear to bring. Spectators will also have to walk the half mile to the exchange area from the parking lot.
Bag Drop:
A “bag drop” area will be available to leave items for your runner. Attach a weather resistant tag showing your team number and phone number to your bag. There are designated places for the bags in the grassy area. If runners are arriving, please hand your bag to the volunteers at the Pedestrian Crossing. They will place it in the designated area. Please do not cross the path of incoming runners to place your bag. The bag drop is an honor system and not monitored so please consider that when deciding what to leave, do not leave valuables. Also note that the bag drop area is not sheltered. Please do not attempt to pass a bag to your runner at the start/finish line.
Release of Cars from Mountain:
After sufficient time has elapsed from the release of the last runner, a Sweep Van will proceed down the mountain (at approximately 10:30 AM) followed by the Washington State Patrol. All cars on the mountain can follow behind the State Patrol. Cars parked in Sno-Park will be released after the State Patrol has passed Sno-Park. Runners that are still on the course will be picked up by the Sweep Van and taken to the DOT Race Exchange site.
Arrival of Bike Racers in Everson:
South Pass Road is called West Main through Everson. Upon passing through downtown Everson, the road makes a “Y”. The course takes the right leg which is still called West Main. The main road continues to the left. If you cross the Nooksack River – you have missed the turn! West Main becomes Park Drive and continues to Riverside Park. It makes a sharp right turn approaching the park. The Timing Chip handoff is about 700 feet after this turn. One of your canoeists should be waiting at the side of the road (on your left) for the handoff. The canoeist will swipe the chip and set the finish time for the road bike. After passing the chip, continue down the road to get out of the way for arriving cyclists.
Cars will no longer be allowed to park on the grassy area in Riverside Park. Parking will be in the field on 3rd Street off of Park Dr. If that lot fills, there is a paid lot at 401 Lincoln Street which Shifting Gears will manage. If your team is leaving a car for you at Everson, please make arrangements for them to inform you of its location. Remember, you will not have cell phone service at the start of the road bike leg.
Late Arrival of Bike Racers in Everson:
If you arrive in Everson after 1:30 pm, your canoeists may have already been released. Check with race officials. If your canoeists have been released, you will need to swipe your chip to set your finish time. Proceed off the road to your left and swipe the chip at the finish line.
Volunteering for Road Bike Leg:
If you want to volunteer for the Road Bike leg of the race, please fill out our Volunteer Form.